Please note: Ranch Hag Hens is no longer operating in Petaluma, CA.

For natural, organic, non-toxic, humane and eco-friendly supplies and treats for your backyard chickens please visit Treats for Chickens. Sign up for their newsletter and read the blog to receive great promotions, coupons and ..well, ...treats for your chickens.

Sonoma County and Surrounding Area:
Please contact Jane at Split Rail Family Farms in Penngrove for your backyard chickens.

Eggs for Sale

A limited number of fresh chicken eggs available.
Located in Weed, CA.

Assorted browns, green, blue, beige - some tinted pink. Free ranged, organic fed happy ladies.



Sunday, May 17, 2009

Heat Lamps, Davis and Berkeley

Whew, we walked into the barn this morning to discover a heat bulb situation that went south....very south.
The bulb burnt a hole in the floor. The chicks are fine, the barn is fine - it all does smell a little like campfire though. So, please be sure that your brooder has plenty of ventilation (not drafts) and that your brooder lamps are secure. No need to be burning the house down all in the name for the love of chickens.

We'll be at the U.C. Davis campus on Monday morning meeting with renowned U.C. Davis professors, veterinarians and experts. What's the meeting about? Hmmm, what else .....chickens!! Good times.

Monday mid afternoon its off to the East Bay to spread the infinite chicken wisdom with our Berkeley Backyard Chicken Fans.

Stay tuned for more absurd situations and updates.


  1. I live in Point Richmond and would love to attend a chicken thingy in Berkeley! Where do you go?

  2. As a novice chicken lover/keeper, I am interested in learning more. What seminars, lectures, workshops or clubs are available to us backyard chicken folk?
