Please note: Ranch Hag Hens is no longer operating in Petaluma, CA.

For natural, organic, non-toxic, humane and eco-friendly supplies and treats for your backyard chickens please visit Treats for Chickens. Sign up for their newsletter and read the blog to receive great promotions, coupons and ..well, ...treats for your chickens.

Sonoma County and Surrounding Area:
Please contact Jane at Split Rail Family Farms in Penngrove for your backyard chickens.

Eggs for Sale

A limited number of fresh chicken eggs available.
Located in Weed, CA.

Assorted browns, green, blue, beige - some tinted pink. Free ranged, organic fed happy ladies.



Friday, May 29, 2009

Rotten Duck Eggs

Did you know that a rotten egg (of any variety, I imagine) will explode and sound like a gun shot if allowed to oohhh, let's say ferment and decay in it's natural habitat?

If you've been out and purchased chickens you might have seen the four (now five) ducks sitting very protectively, on their massive batch of eggs. This has been going on for sometime now - far beyond the 28 days for a normal hatch. To be honest, I couldn't keep up or keep track as they egg numbers increased EVERYDAY. So, I figured I'd let nature take its course and let the ducks be ducks and eventually hoped they would be momma ducks. Until yesterday.

The rancid smell. I can not even begin to describe it. Whew, wee!
72 eggs later and only eight had what would appear to be a living creature inside. Talk about some serious candeling. The entire property stunk so bad and according to my family - so did I.
Believe it or not, I went out this morning and the ducks are at it again. Trying to be mommies.

Please collect your eggs everyday or you to will have the pleasure of finding stinky egg bombs!
Enjoy your weekend folks.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Anti Icky Poo for Chickens

This stuff totally rocks!

We were introduced to this great product and want to share it with you. Got chicks in the house? Teenagers outside accidentally poopin’ on your patio? Was your favorite hen anxiously awaiting your arrival and she just ‘couldn’t wait?!’

Anti Icky Poo has so many uses beyond urban and suburban chicken clean-up... and it has a pleasant scent that’s not overbearing. No headaches with this formula.

What’s in Anti Icky Poo? Live bacteria and enzymes. How cool is that? We think, very cool.

Use it anywhere you’ve got a mess and don’t want to use harsh chemicals. I'll give you a hint: it cleans up the odors (and their stains) from A to Z. We haven't had the pleasure of cleaning up dead bodies (the label indicates it will clean up the odor and stains from dead bodies!!) but we have used it to rid areas of chicken poop, skunk spray (on Dawn's head), vomit from a chicken with sour crop and our beloved Basset Hound (who makes a mess where ever she pleases) ---you may know her best as Stinky.

Whoo Hoo for Anti-Icky-Poo!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Heat Lamps, Davis and Berkeley

Whew, we walked into the barn this morning to discover a heat bulb situation that went south....very south.
The bulb burnt a hole in the floor. The chicks are fine, the barn is fine - it all does smell a little like campfire though. So, please be sure that your brooder has plenty of ventilation (not drafts) and that your brooder lamps are secure. No need to be burning the house down all in the name for the love of chickens.

We'll be at the U.C. Davis campus on Monday morning meeting with renowned U.C. Davis professors, veterinarians and experts. What's the meeting about? Hmmm, what else .....chickens!! Good times.

Monday mid afternoon its off to the East Bay to spread the infinite chicken wisdom with our Berkeley Backyard Chicken Fans.

Stay tuned for more absurd situations and updates.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Marek's, Egg Color, Egg Production & Cats

Hey there.
We've had a flurry of questions regarding Marek's vaccine, egg color, egg production and cats.
Here are my immediate thoughts:

Marek's vaccine is a one-time deal. The vaccine must be administered at hatch. Just when your little one's dry out. That's the only window of opportunity. Ranch Hag Hens vaccinates our chicks because our current location was previously a full production chicken ranch in the 20's. Not to mention the fact that we feel it's vital to give the protection. It's a real drag to love and care for such an adorable little hatchling to have it pass away at 16+ weeks. Taking the extra precaution is well worth the effort.

Egg Color. Ah, yes. Chickens lay different colored eggs. It's pretty flippin' awesome too. Select chickens that can offer you a variety of egg color. All chickens get along regardless of breed or the color eggs that they lay. Spice it up a bit. Mix up your breeds - have fun.

Egg Production. Everyday we hear this question....."what chicken lays the best eggs, the biggest eggs, the most eggs?"........ chickens lay eggs dependant on the weather, their environment and the food that you provide to them. Also, of note: chickens lay an egg approximately ever 24-26 hours. Sometimes it takes a little longer. You will likely find that they lay eggs between 7am and 2pm. At least that's how it works around here. If you are most concerned with the egg production its best to stick with Brown or White Leghorns.
We prefer to add variety.
Standard breeds are great layers. Bantams a bit less. Cochins (although extremely adorable and precious) lay small eggs - okay, tiny eggs.

Cats. Hmm. Cats and chickens. Our cat, Sissy, prefers to hunt for furry things that poke their heads out of the ground and to chase four legged little things with tails. If your cat is a hunter of birds then it's best to be sure you protect your baby chicks from your curious kitty. Our experience tells us that cats don't pay too much attention to older chickens. Perhaps someone has another experience they'd like to share about this?

That's it for my ramblings! It's going to be hot today. Keep your flock hydrated and provide treats later in the evening to reduce overheating.

p.s. the Arugula is growing!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

El Cerritos Backyard Chicken Movement

Here's a shout out to all you Backyard Chicken Fans! Did you know that the City of El Cerrito is up and coming with the backyard chicken movement? Heck ya. I love it - another town that has come to the conclusion that chickens roaming freely in urban and suburban backyard settings really isn't all that bad. They've had a little bit of persuasion from my dear friend Linda - WhooHoo, Kudos to Linda for loving those chickens!!

Stop by and see us in El Cerrito on the 4th of July (location still to be determined) when we partner up with the City of El Cerrito and Heifer International to educate folks on the importance of backyard chickens, sustainability and giving a little when you can.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Chicken Proof Garden

We've got a chicken proof garden. Is it possible? You bet! We are using the Pyramid Pens that we have for sale in the barn. Come on by and get some for your garden. Fully collapsible with lids. $20 each.

If you look closely at the first box garden you'll see a special touch added by Sammy - it's a Peace Patch of newly planted Arugula seeds. We love it and can't wait to eat our first handful of fresh greens.

I've heard it takes a tribe to raise a family . . . so, with that in mind, Happy Belated Mother's Day to All.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What is that Smell?

Guess who got sprayed by a skunk at 7am this morning. Yep, right between the eyes.
I saw it all in slow motion. AND, let me tell you....I stink. Two showers and a full bottle of Bloody Mary Mix later and I still smell like I just got dug-up.

What prompted my little meeting with my furry black and white friend? He/She ate three of my precious little pullets the night before. Chomped their heads off and left the rest for me to look at in horror.

Well, with three little funerals behind me and two long showers ago...I'm off to vaccinate more chicks for Marek's. I need to get outside and let Mother Nature help me with my stench.