Please note: Ranch Hag Hens is no longer operating in Petaluma, CA.

For natural, organic, non-toxic, humane and eco-friendly supplies and treats for your backyard chickens please visit Treats for Chickens. Sign up for their newsletter and read the blog to receive great promotions, coupons and ..well, ...treats for your chickens.

Sonoma County and Surrounding Area:
Please contact Jane at Split Rail Family Farms in Penngrove for your backyard chickens.

Eggs for Sale

A limited number of fresh chicken eggs available.
Located in Weed, CA.

Assorted browns, green, blue, beige - some tinted pink. Free ranged, organic fed happy ladies.



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What are your Spring Thoughts?

Bloggy, blog, blogg! It's been a while and we have been so busy we feel like something the cat drug in. We love Spring and Summer isn't too far off - needless to say...WE ARE EXCITED this time of year.

Are you enjoying the time change? Around here we are on double time. Early to bed, early to rise...all that 'gotta get up before the rooster crows' stuff.

We are certainly grateful that evening chores (feeding, watering and securing the hen house) comes a bit later in the evening. Truth be told, we are either in the pastures with the animals or in the barn/office working with customers and sending out orders to our feathered family throughout the U.S.

We are currently seeking suggestions for Newsletter topics that are beneficial to you, your chickens and any situation that you are facing - any general inquiries are fine as well. What's on your mind? Let us know and we are happy to oblige!

Best to you during this lovely season.

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