We had an overwhelming response to our inquiry for suggested topics. Thank you, thank you, thank you. If your response has not been personally responded to please accept my apologies and know that your topic will be addressed!
By far, the most requested topic had to be 'how to blend a new flock with the existing flock?' and 'gardening with chickens' tips....so, here we go for a little tour inside my chicken obsessed brain.
Spring is here and if you have chickens we are guessing that you want to add more! Ahh, admit it...you know you have to have some more. Chickens can be bitchy and if you haven't experienced it first hand...you are about to. Especially if you plan to blend you flock with a few newcomers.
And, if you don't have chickens you have been itching, scratching and planning to make it a reality. It's so much fun and the benefits of raising your own food and sharing with family, friends and co-workers is fabulous.
If you are planning on adding to the flock this year? Hen House Harmony is a proven saving grace.
Hen House Harmony. An animal behaviorist, herb specialist and all out animal lover helped us create this phenomenal blend. For acceptance, tolerance, making friends, sharing personal space and just plain getting along in the hen house! Our Hen House Harmony is based in bio dynamic apple cider vinegar that is free of any alcohol whatsoever, so besides creating a friendly flock, you'll get dazzling orange yolks, and you'll see the overall health of your hens improve. Just add drops when you change, tip or clean the water fountain until the bitchy, bullheadedness comes to a screeching halt. We use this product ourselves (on our chickens) and have great results. No more worrying that Gertrude is going to grab onto Mabel's comb and yank her to the ground with that beak....whew, it can be nasty! Scroll below for Hen House Harmony deals.
* Together but Separate. Best accomplished while simultaneously using Hen House Harmony. The goal is to allow for the establishment of 'pecking order'. Someone has got to wear the pants in the flock and she will surely scratch the surface and you'll know it. And, to keep things in balance there will be a lady who will be perfectly content laying low towards the bottom of this much needed order. If you have a coop that allows both flocks to be together but separated by a fence, screen or other material...give it a go. This process will likely take a few days. If you are lucky they will work it out in a few hours. Be certain that both flocks have plenty of food, water and shade in their specified area.
* Nighty, Night. Under the dark of night it is possible to quietly sneak a few new members into the coop. Simply (and gently) place each chicken on the roost. Something magical occurs while all are sleeping in their near comatose state - it's a wild osmosis sort of thing. At just about Dawn when all begin stirring.. the pecking order has established itself under the moonlight. Please, please, please be advised that sometimes it works and other times it goes terribly wrong. So, the "Nighty, Night" blending and integration of a flock needs to be followed up with a super early rise by you - the chicken steward to ensure the safety of all.

When deciding to integrate your flocks it's important that you have time to monitor behavior. In the event an all out fowl fight breaks out you want to be nearby to break it up. A sunny afternoon when you have a couple hours, your weekend or a time when 'time' is plentiful is likely your best bet for great results.