Please note: Ranch Hag Hens is no longer operating in Petaluma, CA.

For natural, organic, non-toxic, humane and eco-friendly supplies and treats for your backyard chickens please visit Treats for Chickens. Sign up for their newsletter and read the blog to receive great promotions, coupons and ..well, ...treats for your chickens.

Sonoma County and Surrounding Area:
Please contact Jane at Split Rail Family Farms in Penngrove for your backyard chickens.

Eggs for Sale

A limited number of fresh chicken eggs available.
Located in Weed, CA.

Assorted browns, green, blue, beige - some tinted pink. Free ranged, organic fed happy ladies.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Excessive Breeding

Holey smokes.
Just learned that in China a company, "Yuhe, has doubled its number of breeder farms from 13 to 27 within just a few days – a company surely demonstrating its ambitions for the future".

I can't help but think that this is a move that clearly isn't 'demonstrating its ambitions" for the well being of the chickens in the future. Yikes!!

So, a special message to all you Backyard Chicken lovers - excellent job and keeping you flock happy, healthy and contributing to your families organic intake. Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chicks for Christmas Delivery

Several (actually, way too many) inquiries have been made into the availability of day-old baby chicks for 'Christmas delivery' -
Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho! Followed by no, no, no, no, no.
And, here is the story and the Bah-Hum-Bug of it all.

Baby chicks are a seasonal arrival, no doubt. But not a winter seasonal arrival. If chicks hatch during the later months of the year (October, November, December, etc.) they need to be indoors for a minimum of eight weeks before we tempt them with all the wonders of outdoor living in a coop; full-time. This time schedule puts them outside somewhere in December, January & February. And the last time we checked the weather Doppler - these months are WINTER. Did we mention 'wet' and 'cold'? We aren't exactly skipping around in our shorts early in the mornings and late in the evenings.

- unless of course you've wandered off to a tropical island to live the remainder of your days swinging from a hammock all the while your feathered fowl scratch in the sand for a flea or two.

Back on track, back at the desk, back to ......
So, fellow urban backyard chicken lovers please do what you can to hold out just a little bit longer for the Sprunging of Spring. Your chicks health will benefit from it immensely. Mother Earth intended it this way. Promise.

But, if you find yourself unable to resist the fluffy little balls of innocence we recommend our Just For Chicks package to your Holiday Shopping List along with several Healthy Basics to keep them in optimum health: Colloidal Silver, Vitamins and Electrolytes and/or Healthy Hen Wellness Tonic to their daily rations.